With programming, you can create anything, games, websites, art, advanced AI, anything. All you need is a imagination!
Languages include, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and more!
This consists of many different languages, from C# to Python.
Knowing how to code can help you in, advertising, marketing, etc. You can create things or sites that will bring in profit.
Being a programmer is not easy, but it is really a job, programmers in the US make ~90k yearly salary.
I started with Web Development, and came here to tell you. It was difficult. But I did it, and so can you.
We want to show people how easy programming is and how fun it can be. I highly suggest if you are interested. Pay us a visit! :D
We are a community of programmers dedicated to helping others learn and helping in general.
We have monthly challenges, a nice community, we work on projects together, and much more.
We are a community, as I said, dedicated to helping others with programming, we have very nice moderators, admins and owners who are always keeping everything in tip top shape!.
We Have 17 staff members, some of which are:
Founder / Owner
Owner Of CodeANode & a great programmer!
Head Admin
A amazing programmer, taught me almost everything I know about web development (:
A OK programmer and yeah, I'm the one coding this, this as in, the thing your reading.
Head Admin
A very experienced programmer, if he starts to help you I would listen, for sure.